Are thought leadership and media relations on your to-do list? Then you need a plan to make it happen!Marketing Your Expertise: Becoming a Thought Leader and Media Darling

I invite you to join us for our next Accelerator Course on Becoming a Thought Leader and Media Darling.

During the six-week program, you and your team will develop a Thought Leadership Communications Plan.

With my coaching, help from guest experts, and your commitment to getting it done, you can leave the Accelerator with a plan to move forward.

Here is what we’ll work on during this program:

  • Week 1: Setting Thought Leadership and Media Relations Goals
  • Week 2: Deciding Who Your Thought Leaders Are and Whom They Hope Will Follow Them
  • Week 3: Understanding the Different Kinds of Thought Leaders and Defining Their Core Topics
  • Week 4: Speaking and Writing — The Essentials of Delivering Your Thought Leadership Messaging
  • Week 5: Building a Schedule or Editorial Calendar to Support Your Thought Leaders
  • Week 6: Show and Tell, Final Questions, and Next Steps

This is an intensive course that runs August 15th through September 23rd. Registration is $600 which includes access for up to three members of your team.

Do the work week-to-week and you will leave with a completed Thought Leadership Communications Plan.

Learn more and join us!

Published On: August 9, 2016|Categories: PR and Media Relations, Thought Leadership|