My recent presentation on “Message & Media: Marketing for Small Community-Based Nonprofits” is featured on the homepage of today. It’s the same presentation that I shared with you in a post on Monday.

I’ve been meaning to talk a little bit about the value of Slideshare to nonprofit communicators, so this is a good chance to return the love.

Just like LinkedIn Answers, has become a really good source of current thinking on various issues, including nonprofit marketing and especially social media. While you certainly can’t get a speaker’s complete message from her slides alone, you can usually get the gist of it, allowing you to follow up with the speaker directly if you want more detail on her point of view. And Slideshare does allow you to add audio to your slides, although I haven’t done that yet.

When I’m researching something new, whether for a client, a blog post, or a webinar, I’ve added a search on Slideshare to my must-check list. Googling is usually the first thing I do, but I quickly move on to other favorite sources now like Slideshare. I highly recommend that you do the same when doing online research for your nonprofit.

The presentations posted by Beth Kanter (queen of all that is social media for nonprofits) and Jonathon Coleman (Nature Conservancy social media genius) alone are worth your time. Beth has also blogged about how nonprofits can use Slideshare for advocacy so I won’t repeat her points here – go read them on her blog.

Are you using Slideshare in any capacity? Share what you are doing with it and your Slideshare link by leaving a comment. You can find all of my presentations at

Published On: June 11, 2008|Categories: Communications Channel Management|