Take the Survey NowI’m closing the 2012 Nonprofit Communications Trends survey on Friday so that I can spend early next week reviewing the data for our webinar on December 1: Trends for 2012 and Your Marketing Plan for the New Year, where I’ll release some of the data for the first time.

If you haven’t already, can you please add your perspective?

I’ve heard from over 1,000 nonprofits already and want to make sure your voice is included!

I want to know your answers to questions like these:

  • How often do you plan to email your typical supporters?
  • How often do you plan to send direct mail?
  • How will online marketing tools including social media compare in importance to more traditional and offline tools for you?
  • What excites you about 2012?
  • What scares you about 2012?

When you complete the survey, you can also request a free copy of the full report, so you’ll be among the first to see how others answered these questions too.

Take the Survey Now


Published On: November 22, 2011|Categories: Nonprofit Marketing Trends|