We talk a lot about burnout in this NPCOMMLIFE blog series because, unfortunately, it just seems to be a part of being a nonprofit communicator.

Learn how to set and enforce boundaries at work so you can get more done while not burning out during this week’s workshop Jump Start Setting New Boundaries

Some signs you may be heading toward a burn out (or are already there):

  • You’re exhausted.
  • You’re cranky.
  • You always have a bad day.
  • You feel like nothing you do makes a difference.
  • You get sick more often.
  • You just don’t care like you used to.

You have probably heard all of that before, but I recently came across this article by Christine Arylo where she explains There’s More Than One Kind of Burnout, Which Are Draining You?

Here are the different kinds of burnout she mentions:

  1. Mental Burnout – you just can’t process any more information.
  2. Emotional Burnout – your emotions have become too heavy.
  3. Compassion Burnout – you can’t show love to anyone else.
  4. Relational Burnout – you have given too much to others and are done.
  5. Survival Burnout – you are exhausted from just trying to make it day to day.
  6. Superwoman Burnout – you have taken on too much.
  7. Passion Burnout – you love what you do but pushed too much.
  8. Physical Burnout – your health is in decline because of the demands on your life.

The first step of dealing with burnout is recognizing it when it’s happening then taking steps to reverse it and replenish yourself. Breaking burnout down into different kinds can be a better way to do that.

If you are seeing any of the signs of burnout, take a step back and see which one may be affecting you. Then make your plan to get back to being yourself.