Presented by Kristina Leroux

Thursday, August 22, 2024

1:00 – 2:00 pm ET (10:00 – 11:00 am PT)

Learn how to create engaging and successful content AND save time using these three not-so-secret weapons.

Registration for this webinar is $99.

Recording available if you can’t attend live, but you must register before we close registration.

Emails, newsletters, blog posts, social media updates, annual reports, impact statements, direct mail appeals, press releases, etc. etc. The list of things you need to produce as a nonprofit communicator just goes on and on and on.

How can anyone find the time to do all of that along with all of the other responsibilities that come with the job? By mastering these three game-changing tools:

  • AI
  • Content Repurposing
  • Content Curation

AI is getting all of the attention these days, but when you pair generative AI with content repurposing and curation, you will save yourself so much time and brain power. And the best part? When done well, you’ll see amazing results. Like more opens, more clicks, more support, more action, more engagement, more great content . . . with LESS work for you!

Join us for a fun and informative webinar where we’ll show you how to make the most of these not-so-secret weapons to produce engaging content while saving precious, precious time.

In just an hour, you’ll gain practical tips and tricks to elevate your content strategy by combining AI, repurposing, and curating. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, this webinar will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to take your communications to the next level!

During this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • The different types of generative AI prompts and how to structure yours to get the best results

  • Savvy ways to reuse content without it looking like you are just copying and pasting all the time

  • Best content curation practices, so you are always sharing something valuable without violating others’ content rights

  • Our favorite ways to repurpose and curate content

  • How AI can streamline all of these tools into your content creation process

Plus, we’ll address common concerns with each of these and how to overcome them.

If you are a nonprofit communicator feeling overwhelmed by the never-ending demands of content creation, this webinar is for you!

Meet Kristina Leroux

Kristina Leroux is the COO and Community Engagement Manager at Nonprofit Marketing Guide where she helps nonprofit communicators find what they need to do their job better. She runs the All-Access Pass program, manages and contributes to the webinar and workshop series, manages the Nonprofit Marketing Guide Community, and runs the Nonprofit Marketing Guide blog to which she frequently writes including the popular #NPCOMMLIFE feature. If you have a question about anything at Nonprofit Marketing Guide, she’s your person!

Prior to coming on as a partner at Nonprofit Marketing Guide, she was a successful virtual assistant and worked with clients in the nonprofit sector like Network for Good and CharityHowTo moderating webinars, creating content, managing membership programs, and more.

She is a very active lazy person who enjoys working out and playing tennis and pickleball as well as binge-watching television shows and movies while eating really bad snacks. Kristina lives in Auburn, Alabama with her husband, three kids, two bonus kids, three rescue dogs and a cat who adopted her.