A $20 Summer Special Webinar with Nonprofit Marketing Guide


Presented by Kivi Leroux Miller

Thursday, August 8, 2024

1:00 – 2:00 pm ET (10:00 – 11:00 am PT)

Find out why a storytelling bill of rights is so important and how to implement one at your organization.

Registration for this webinar is $99 ONLY $20

Recording available if you can’t attend live, but you must register before we close registration.

This webinar is FREE with an All-Access Pass. Pass Holders, RSVP here

We all know that storytelling is one of our most powerful tools in the nonprofit sector to drive engagement and action. Stories help us convey otherwise complicated issues with heartfelt simplicity.

But sometimes our drive to capitalize on the power of storytelling can cause us to lose sight of what’s even more important: the impact on the human beings whose stories we want to tell.

Please join us for a special summer webinar where we will explore the critical need for nonprofits to establish a robust storytelling bill of rights. This webinar is essential for nonprofit professionals involved in communications, marketing, fundraising, public speaking, and storytelling roles.

Why Nonprofits Need a Storytelling Bill of Rights

Effective storytelling can elevate your organization’s mission, inspire donors, and engage communities. Yet, without clear ethical guidelines, there is a risk of unintentionally causing harm to the individuals whose stories are shared. A storytelling bill of rights ensures:

  1. Respect and Dignity: Upholding the dignity of those who share their stories by setting standards for respectful portrayal and consent.
  2. Transparency: Clarifying how stories are collected, shared, and used to build trust with stakeholders.
  3. Equity in Representation: Ensuring diverse voices are authentically represented and addressing the fairness of compensation, if applicable.
  4. Long-Term Impact: Deciding how long stories should remain in the public domain to maintain relevance while respecting privacy and consent.
  5. Legal and Ethical Compliance: Mitigating legal risks for the organization, risks for the person sharing their story, and adhering to ethical standards in storytelling practices.

During this webinar, we will cover the key discussion points and considerations for nonprofits that want to develop a storytelling bill of rights, covering the story collection and publications process from start to finish.

During this webinar, you’ll learn about these key points:

  • Ethical Guidelines: How to establish clear ethical guidelines that align with your nonprofit’s values and mission, including who asks and is asked to share a story, the level of participation in the story’s drafting and editing by the various parties, and more.

  • Compensation Considerations: Is sharing a story with your nonprofit a gift from the person or should they be compensated for co-creating content like a freelancer might be? We’ll discuss approaches to compensation for storytellers without engaging in quid quo pro behavior that could appear to coerce participation in exchange for your nonprofit’s services.

  • Duration and Location of Public Exposure: Just how long can you use that story? We’ll look at best practices for managing the lifecycle of stories and their placement within our communications while navigating consent over time.

  • Implementation Strategies: We’ll explore strategies for integrating these guidelines into your organization’s storytelling practices.

Participants will leave with:

  • Thought-provoking discussion questions to guide internal conversations about ethical storytelling.
  • Draft policy language that you can tailor to suit your nonprofit’s unique needs and values.

Special Summer Offer:

Register today for only $20! This is an 80% discount from our usual rate of $99. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your nonprofit’s storytelling practices at an exceptional value.

Meet Kivi Leroux Miller

Kivi Leroux Miller is the founder and CEO of Nonprofit Marketing Guide, where she helps nonprofit communications professionals learn their jobs, love their work, and lead their teams through a variety of training and coaching programs. She has personally mentored hundreds of nonprofit communications directors and communications teams as a certified executive coach.

She is a popular and trusted keynote, workshop, and webinar presenter. Kivi is also the award-winning author of three books on nonprofit marketing and communications that are often used in college and certificate programs.

  • CALM not BUSY: How to Manage Your Nonprofit’s Communications for Great Results (2018, published by Bold & Bright Media)
  • Content Marketing for Nonprofits: A Communications Map for Engaging Your Community, Becoming a Favorite Cause, and Raising More Money (2013, Winner of the Terry McAdam Book Award, published by Wiley & Sons)
  • The Nonprofit Marketing Guide: High-Impact, Low-Cost Ways to Build Support for Your Good Cause, Second Edition (First published in 2010 and re-released in 2021 by Wiley & Sons).

Because she can’t get enough of nonprofits and entrepreneurship for good, Kivi serves as the treasurer of the Davidson County Local Food Network and the Lexington Book Festival (Lexington, NC) and she co-founded a baking business with her teenage daughter called Rabble & Rise Baking Co.

After attending college in the San Francisco Bay Area and a few years working in Washington, DC, Kivi moved to rural North Carolina where she has lived for the last twenty years with her husband, two teenage daughters, and seven rescue cats, including a tripawd. She enjoys year-round gardening, baking, vegetarian cooking, hiking, and kayaking.