
Looking for ways to engage supporters online? Get inspired by these real nonprofit digital engagements!

1. Ask An Artist To Illustrate

Take that hashtag contest to the next level. Invite an artist to illustrate your supporter’s thoughts submitted online.

2. Make a Reading List

Summer’s coming. Back-to-School season begins in August. Curate a book list for your supporters, but be sure to leave room for supporters to add their own. This works well for movies, too.

3. 6 Word Story Contest

Snopes says Ernest Hemingway did NOT write this short story on a bet. Nevertheless, it’s a great engagement idea for small digital spaces such as Twitter.

4. Bumper Sticker Contest

If you want to unleash your supporter’s creativity, invite them to submit ideas for a bumper sticker contest. Choose a few you like then ask them to vote for their favorites. BONUS: Invite supporters to secure their new sticker with a small donation.

5. Instagram Contest

30 days of photography fun! The key to this is to make it easy, track the hashtag, and engage with participants by liking, commenting and re-gramming their pix.


What’s your engagement idea? Got a clever campaign to share? Add to the conversation – post a comment!

Published On: May 18, 2017|Categories: Social Media|