December is done. Looking for your next great fundraising campaign?
Try a member month campaign.
Here are 6 quick tips for launching your own member month campaign.
1. Make It About THEM, Not Just YOU
As tempting as it may be to use a membership month campaign to boost a slow fundraising month, member month campaigns MUST celebrate members and make them feel a part of something bigger. A few ways to cultivate supporters:
- Choose and highlight a member story on your blog
- Offer perks like discount tickets, trial memberships, or early access
- Invite members to share a few words about what inspires them to care and give and act
2. Pick a Slow Month, But Not TOO Slow
Leave December for your biggest fundraiser. Choose a slower month – March, April, May or September — but not too slow (July and August are tough months for most orgs) — for your member month. You want to stand out on your own, but not get lost in vacation months like July and August. Here are a few member months to investigate:
- March – National Wildlife Federation
- April – Science Museum of Minnesota
- May – Smithsonian Institution, ASPCA
- June – Human Rights Campaign
- September – Amnesty International USA
- November – NTEN
3. Set a Public Goal and the Reasons You Need to Reach It
Setting a public goal can energize your base to help you reach it together. And your goal need not be financial – you can set a goal of recruiting a certain number of members, returning members, or a combination of new and returning members. Another goal or sub-goal to try is recruiting a certain number of sustaining members – your most loyal supporters. As with ALL goals, be sure to tie it to mission – how will this level of support help you make the world a better place?
Not a member organization? Call it a Supporter Month!
4. Encourage, Even Incentivize Staff, to Participate
Staff members can be great ambassadors for your organization and mission. At the simplest level, prepare some social posts and email copy for them to share with friends, and ASK (don’t tell) them to reach out to friends and family who might share their passion.
5. Steal Ideas
Gyms, museums, sports orgs and business associations are old pros at holding membership months. Dig around on social media for leads, using search terms like “member month” or “supporter month” for inspiration.
6. Make Me a Match
Love them or hate them, matches spur donations. If you can get a match, ask the donor if you can name him or her (or the org name) in the appeals. Doing so could boost response rates.
Got a Member Month you love? Share it in the comments section.