I just got a sneak peek at Kerri’s presentation and it’s loaded with tons of examples to get you thinking more creatively. She also shares five “Formulas for Funny” and some very practical tips, such as
Funny is Hard. Don’t go with your first idea. Keep brainstorming until you have 10 ideas.
It’s OK to Copy. Find something funny that someone else created that’s related to your cause and share that with your supporters. Kerri provides several sources of funny stuff you can pass on, or if you have a little money, that you can customize to make your own.
Commit to It. If you are going to use humor, you have to go all in with the premise or joke.
Kerri will also share her 10 reasons why nonprofits should use humor — a great list to pass on to your boss or others who may need some cajoling to try something more creative.
Here are three of my favorite reasons:
Humor gives you freedom to say things you couldn’t with a straight face.
Humor lets you deflate criticism, show humanity and puncture an argument.
Humor breaks down fear, lessening the pain of discussing difficult topics.
I hope you can join Kerri and me for the webinar!