Last year, over 2,100 nonprofit communicators took our annual Nonprofit Communications Trends Survey . . . and now it’s time to get your predictions for 2015!
This report has become the “go to” source for what’s REALLY happening in the world of nonprofit communications and fundraising. Help us get you the best data possible by sharing what you and your nonprofit will be doing next year.
NEW THIS YEAR: Special Preview Webinar only for people who complete the survey! On December 11, we’ll share our preliminary analysis with survey takers only. Everyone else will have to wait until January 7 when the report is released to the public.
We ask you to share
- Your most important communications goals and top priorities for 2015.
- Your most (and least) important communications channels.
- How often you will send email and direct mail in 2015.
- How much time you spend producing different kinds of content.
- Your top calls to action via email and direct mail.
- Which social media sites you will be essential to your strategy, and which not so much.
We also ask you to share your biggest challenges, what excites, and what scares you about the coming year.
And, of course, we’ll share all the data with you first!
Take the 2015 Trends Survey Now