Here’s the latest installment in our series on the “Day in the Life” of nonprofit communicators, where we ask you to describe your day in your own words.
Gail Koford is development director at Inter Parish Ministry in Cincinnati, Ohio. IPM is a food and clothing pantry that serves people living in eastern Hamilton County and Clermont County, Ohio. Gail is responsible for planning and implementing all aspects of the development plan for IPM. She has been with the organization for six years. Prior to this she was executive director of the Carelink Foundation in West Chicago, Illinois. Gail graduated from Central Michigan University with a major in journalism.
Here is her typical day:
Before 8:00 am: Cooked breakfast, ate while checking email. Loaded car for social club meeting tonight (co-hosting). Unloaded and loaded dishwasher. Drove to work.
8:00 am – 10:00 am: Opened up the pantry. Downloaded pictures off camera, added pictures to in-process newsletter.
Emailed draft newsletter to executive director. Posted on Facebook about mobile event that was taking place. Talked to a donor about her gift and also listened to her concern about her daughter’s breast cancer.
Posted on HootSuite both tweets and Facebook items for later today and tomorrow.
10:00 am – 12:00 pm: Ordered handmade cards to be sent to donor and daughter. Checked emails. Chatted with volunteer coordinator about a new volunteer who has ties to a major company prospect. Went to Rotary Meeting.
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm: Rotary Meeting- Returned at 1 p.m. Reviewed content marketing ideas and other items for meeting tomorrow with potential Marketing and Communications Committee Members. Chatted with volunteer coordinator about content marketing items — she will also be at the meeting.
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm: Checked and answered email. Reviewed grant LOI (letter of inquiry) components then discussed with pantry manager.
Left message for a donor about upcoming event.
After 4:00 pm: Worked on LOI grant budget. Met donor at the door who was delivering goods for pantry from her garden club.
Drove to social meeting.
Want to be featured in this series? Tell us what you do in a typical day as a nonprofit communications pro.