The columns are packed with advice as well as lots of great examples, written in response to specific questions. It’s worth curling up with these links and good warm beverage for an hour or two.
Here are just a few that answer storytelling questions I get a lot:
My organization finds, trains, and places mentors with young people who are having trouble in school or life. We have a good collection of heartwarming stories about young people we’ve helped and how their families and communities have benefited. The challenge we face is how to have those stories not just touch people’s hearts, but make them volunteer or donate.
Read the answer in How to Turn Audience Emotion Into Action
I am spearheading a crowdfunding initiative for a mental-health agency. For example, one campaign focused on raising money for a house where young people get their lives back on track after a diagnosis. How do you tell an engaging story that protects participants’ privacy?
Read the answer in Navigating Privacy and Other Issues for Ethical Storytelling
How do we create or “market” stories so they’ll appeal to people other than those who already support us; so they’ll reach people who may be unfamiliar with our issue or even disagree with us?
Read the answer in Reaching New Audiences Through Storytelling