Let’s take some of the grief out of nonprofit writing and smash through your writer’s block! Join the almost 7,000 nonprofits who receive our free Monthly Nonprofit Writing Prompts E-newsletter designed specifically to help you come up with ideas for your newsletter articles, blog posts and social network updates.
At the start of each month, we’ll send you an email with at least 10 prompts to get you thinking about articles, stories, press releases, blog posts, Facebook updates, letters, and other content that you could write for the following month. For example, at the start of January, you’d get writing prompts for February. That way you’ll have time to think about the ideas and incorporate them into your calendar.
The idea isn’t to do your editorial calendar for you or to tell you what to say to your supporters. Only you can figure that out. What we will do is give you at least 10 prompts to get you thinking more creatively and strategically about what you’ll write.
Don’t see the form? Try this.
Today’s Contest:
Sign up for our Monthly Nonprofit Writing Prompts E-Newsletter by Monday, December 30th by filling out the form above. Winners will be randomly picked from form submissions completed between today and Monday, December 30th.
Books we will be giving away include:
- Facebook Marketing for Dummies by John Haydon, Paul Dunay and Richard Krueger
- Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard by Chip Heath, and Dan Heath
- Blah Blah Blah: What to Do When Words Don’t Work by Dan Roam
- Giving 2.0: Transform Your Giving and Our World by Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen
- Guerrilla Marketing for Nonprofits: 250 Tactics to Promote, Recruit, Motivate, and Raise More Money by Jay Conrad Levinson, Frank Adkins, and Chris Forbes
- The PayPal Official Insider Guide to Online Fundraising by Jon Ann Lindsey
- Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission from NTEN