
About Kivi Leroux Miller, Founder and CEO

I am the founder and CEO of Nonprofit Marketing Guide.

Anatomy of a Direct Mail Makeover: Lessons from Cal

2021-02-02T02:20:34-05:00November 16, 2007|Communications Plans and Marketing Strategies, Fundraising, Video, Graphics, Photography and Other Visuals, Writing Skills and Content|

Anatomy of a Direct Mail Makeover: Design to Engage

2021-02-02T02:20:33-05:00November 14, 2007|Communications Plans and Marketing Strategies, Fundraising, Video, Graphics, Photography and Other Visuals, Writing Skills and Content|

Anatomy of a Direct Mail Makeover: Knead Until It Shines

2021-02-02T02:20:33-05:00November 13, 2007|Communications Plans and Marketing Strategies, Fundraising, Video, Graphics, Photography and Other Visuals, Writing Skills and Content|

Anatomy of a Direct Mail Makeover: The Value in Listening

2021-02-02T02:20:33-05:00November 12, 2007|Communications Plans and Marketing Strategies, Fundraising, Video, Graphics, Photography and Other Visuals, Writing Skills and Content|